Markdown Cheatsheet

Markdown Cheatsheet

All-in-One Guide for Understanding the Markdown Clearly

What is Markdown?

Markdown is the markup language for user content at GitHub and allows users at all skill levels to write plain text documents, which get rendered in HTML.

Extension of Markdown File

The extension of the Markdown file is .md

What is the use of Markdown?

Markdown is simply a file extension used to document your code using markdown language and is the default documentation option in most code repositories like GitHub or GitLab.
In GitHub, a markdown file is created with the name

Basic Writing and Formatting Syntax of Markdown


To create a heading, add one to six Hash(#) symbols before the heading text. The number of # used determines the size of the heading.

One hash(#) means the biggest heading and Six hashes means Smallest Heading

 # Heading 1
 ## Heading 2
 ### Heading 3
 #### Heading 4
 ##### Heading 5
 ###### Heading 6


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


For List, just write the number followed by text, and for sub-list just give an indent space and repeat

Ordered List

CommonMark and a few other lightweight markup languages let you use a parenthesis ()) as a delimiter (e.g., 1) First item), but not all Markdown applications support this, so it isn’t a great option from a compatibility perspective. For compatibility, use periods only.

1. List
2. List
    1. Sub-List
    2. Sub-List


  1. List

  2. List

    1. Sub-List

    2. Sub-List

Unordered List

To create an unordered list, add dashes (-), asterisks (*), or plus signs (+) in front of line items. Indent one or more items to create a nested list.

- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Fourth item


  • First item

  • Second item

  • Third item

  • Fourth item

Bold and Italics

**Bold**                     // makes text bold
*Italics* or _Italics_    // makes text italics




To create strike-through text, surround the text with double tildes.

Rs. ~~999~~ 99   // this will cut 999 with a single line



To embed any link, write the Title in the square bracket and the link in the parenthesis

 [Title](link address)


Article: Position Property In CSS


To place an image start with an exclamation mark followed by an alternate text in a square bracket and image hosted URL or address in parenthesis

![Banner Image](web address or local storage address)



Quoting text

You can quote text with a >.

> This is a quote


Comments are often lies waiting to happen. Code should speak for itself whenever possible.

Code Snippet

It starts with triple back ticks(```) and ends with the same
There are a couple of ways to escape triple tick code blocks:

  • Using 4 backticks) instead of 3 backticks

  • Using ~~~(3 tilde) instead of ```(3 backticks)

  • You can combine the two for yet another level of meta


A table is made using **pipes **and hyphens.

| FirstName     | LastName       | City     |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- |
| FirstName1    | LastName1      | City1    |
| FirstName2    | LastName2      | City2    |



Now that you have learned about the markdown language, let's check one readme profile made just by using these formatting & Syntax.


Hello World🌍👋

I'm Anupam Kumar Krishnan 👨‍💻

I am Anupam Kumar Krishnan, currently embarking on my engineering journey from D.Y. Patil College Of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune
💻I am a Web Developer as well as an 📱UI/UX enthusiast
🏆🥇I am 3 Star⭐️ Coder @Codechef
📝✏️I write Tech affiliated articles on Medium and GeeksForGeeks

Here Is What I'm Working On👨‍💻

💻 I’m currently learning ...Django-React Stack🔥✨🚀

🤔 Ask me about ...Anything✨

👦 Pronouns: ... He/Him

Most Used Languages🚀💻

Top Langs

Visitors Count✅

For more visit GitHub Writing Docs
Hope you have enjoyed🎉 learning the markdown formatting and syntax!💫
Will come with something new next time🚀, till then Keep Learning, Keep Exploring✨